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Delivery to Lithuania
Delivery to:
Air conditioning-heating system/radiators (446)
Body/body parts/hook (226)
Brake system (289)
Cabin/interior (1337)
Devices/switches/electronic system (1725)
Door (707)
Engine (430)
Exterior front body parts (1695)
Exterior rear body parts (1171)
Front axle (356)
Fuel mixture system (443)
Gas exhaust system (223)
Gearbox/clutch/transmission (272)
Glass (54)
Headlight/headlamp washing/cleaning system (116)
Lighting system (901)
Other parts (139)
Rear axle (189)
Wheels/tires/caps (180)
How much do used Volkswagen Golf VIII parts cost?
The prices of used Volkswagen Golf VIIIparts start from EUR 1.41.
Why buy Volkswagen Golf VIII parts online from RRR.LT?
RRR.LT portal offers used car parts from several hundred scrapyards all across Lithuania, so you will find 9647 items for Volkswagen Golf VIII. Moreover, unsuitable parts can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase with a full refund.
How many parts for Volkswagen Golf VIII are available on RRR.LT website?
RRR.LT has 9647 parts for Volkswagen Golf VIII available.