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Toyota Corolla E120 E130 Engine 2ZR

Auto Max Robert Woszczak

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Shipping description

Usually items are delivered within 1-8 business days in the Europe after order and payment confirmation.

More information about delivery could be found here.

All items are sent across European Union countries with couriers.
If your country is not listed at checkout and you still want to buy the chosen part, please fill the inquiry with a copied link of your item and your address. We will do our best to send it to you.

How to buy?

Choose Your parts and press Add to cart or Buy.

This item will be added to cart. At this moment you can continue shopping and add more parts to your cart or you can just buy.

Once you finish adding parts to your cart, press the cart icon (top right on the screen). You will see your parts list.

At this moment you need to sign up / log in to your account or continue without registration. Then, press the Delivery button and fill in your delivery address and other information. Press Delivery options and then you will get the shipping price. Choose the best delivery option for you and press Payment. At this step you need to check your order and your information.

Then you should check the Selling-Buying Rules and Privacy policies. Once you have agreed to the Selling-Buying Rules and Privacy policies, you will be able to confirm your order.

After pressing the Order button, a new window will open. There you should enter your payment details.

Inquire about the part
Thanks, we received your request. We will contact you soon
Seller description
Seller description:
Auto Max Robert Woszczak
Niszczewice 23a, 88-180 Złotniki Kujawskie
Company code : 340673661
VAT code: 5562576995
Working time:
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 14:00

Toyota Corolla E120 E130 Engine 2ZR

Auto Max Robert Woszczak
1622.82 € incl. VAT Price includes VAT. Depending on your delivery address, VAT may vary at Checkout.
+ Service Fee
What is a service fee?

To ensure a delightful shopping experience, we charge a small additional fee. Here's what it covers:

  • 14-day free returns

    Not completely satisfied with the quality of your item? No worries. You can return it for free within 14 days after delivery. Full refund includes item and shipping.

  • No return shipping costs

    Rest assured, we cover the costs of the return shipping.

  • Dedicated customer support

    Our expert support team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns related to your purchase.

  • Secure payments

    Payments are encrypted and authenticated by payment partners, ensuring your sensitive payment information is always sent and received safely.

Service fee pricing:
The service fee base rate is 1.5% of the cart total.
Minimum Fee: 1.99 €
Maximum Fee: 3.99 €
VAT is included.
Top Seller

This status is held by trusted, top-rated Ovoko sellers. This means that the seller sends items quickly, routinely updates the stock, and has a low return rate.

+ 79.99 € delivery to Free delivery Free delivery to Lithuania
Manufacturer code:
WITAM ZAJMUJEMY SIE SPRZEDAZA CZESCI JUZ 15 LAT,POSIADAMY DOSWIADCZENIE W DOBORZE CZESCI WSZYSTKIE CZESCI SPRZEDAWANE SA SPRAWDZANE PRZED WYSYLKA A PACZKI DOKLADNIE PAKOWANE. WYSTAWIAMY FAKTURY VAT WYSTAWIAMY GWARANCJE ROZRUCHOWE! WE SPEAK ENGLISH! ################################################################################ JESTESMY OTWARCI NA NAWIAZYWANIE NOWYCH STAŁYCH WSPOLPRACY MAMY DOSWIADCZENIE W DOSTAWACH SILNIKOW DO CAŁEJ EUROPY . ################################################################################ HELLO, WE HAVE BEEN SELLING PARTS FOR 15 YEARS, WE HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SELECTING PARTS, ALL PARTS SOLD ARE CHECKED BEFORE SHIPPING AND THE PACKAGES ARE CAREFULLY PACKED. WE ISSUE VAT INVOICES WE ISSUE START-UP WARRANTY! ################################################################################ WE ARE OPEN TO ESTABLISH NEW PERMANENT COOPERATIONS. WE HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SUPPLYING ENGINES TO ALL OF EUROPE. ################################################################################ Hallo, wir verkaufen seit 15 Jahren Teile, wir haben Erfahrung in der Auswahl von Teilen, alle verkauften Teile werden vor dem Versand überprüft und die Pakete sind sorgfältig verpackt. WIR ERSTELLEN RECHNUNGEN MIT MWST. WIR GEBEN INBETRIEBNAHMEGARANTIE! ################################################################################ Wir sind offen für den Aufbau neuer, dauerhafter Kooperationen. Wir haben Erfahrung in der Lieferung von Motoren nach ganz Europa. ################################################################################ Bonjour, nous vendons des pièces depuis 15 ans, nous avons de l'expérience dans la sélection des pièces, toutes les pièces vendues sont vérifiées avant expédition et les colis sont soigneusement emballés. NOUS ÉMETTONS DES FACTURES AVEC TVA NOUS ÉMETTONS UNE GARANTIE DE DÉMARRAGE ! NOUS PARLONS ANGLAIS! ################################################################################ NOUS SOMMES OUVERTS À L’ÉTABLISSEMENT DE NOUVELLES COOPÉRATIONS PERMANENTES. NOUS AVONS DE L’EXPÉRIENCE DANS LA FOURNITURE DE MOTEURS DANS TOUTE L’EUROPE. ################################################################################ CIAO, VENDIAMO RICAMBI DA 15 ANNI, ABBIAMO ESPERIENZA NELLA SELEZIONE DEI RICAMBI, TUTTI I PARTI VENDUTI VENGONO CONTROLLATI PRIMA DELLA SPEDIZIONE E GLI IMBALLI SONO IMBALLATI ACCURATAMENTE. EMETTIAMO FATTURE IVA RILASCIAMO GARANZIA DI AVVIAMENTO! ################################################################################ SIAMO APERTI A STABILIRE NUOVE COLLABORAZIONI PERMANENTI ABBIAMO ESPERIENZA NELLA FORNITURA DI MOTORI IN TUTTA EUROPA. ################################################################################ EMAIL AUTOMAX2009@O2.PL PHONE NUMBER +48889389199 , +48794666796 VAT NUMBER EU PL5562576995 ##################################################################### PRZEDMIOTEM SPRZEDAZY JEST: ##################################################################### THE SUBJECT OF THE SALE IS: ##################################################################### DER GEGENSTAND DES VERKAUFS IST : ##################################################################### L'OBJET DE LA VENTE EST: ##################################################################### OGGETTO DELLA VENDITA E: ##################################################################### SILNIK KOMPLETNY TOYOTA CHR 1.8
Car description
Corolla E120 E130
Model year
Body type
Steering wheel position
Driving wheels
Fuel type
Engine capacity, cm3
Engine code
Gearbox type
Mileage, km
Shipping description

Usually items are delivered within 1-8 business days in the Europe after order and payment confirmation.

More information about delivery could be found here.

All items are sent across European Union countries with couriers.
If your country is not listed at checkout and you still want to buy the chosen part, please fill the inquiry with a copied link of your item and your address. We will do our best to send it to you.

How to buy?

Choose Your parts and press Add to cart or Buy.

This item will be added to cart. At this moment you can continue shopping and add more parts to your cart or you can just buy.

Once you finish adding parts to your cart, press the cart icon (top right on the screen). You will see your parts list.

At this moment you need to sign up / log in to your account or continue without registration. Then, press the Delivery button and fill in your delivery address and other information. Press Delivery options and then you will get the shipping price. Choose the best delivery option for you and press Payment. At this step you need to check your order and your information.

Then you should check the Selling-Buying Rules and Privacy policies. Once you have agreed to the Selling-Buying Rules and Privacy policies, you will be able to confirm your order.

After pressing the Order button, a new window will open. There you should enter your payment details.

Inquire about the part
Thanks, we received your request. We will contact you soon
Seller description
Seller description:
Auto Max Robert Woszczak
Niszczewice 23a, 88-180 Złotniki Kujawskie
Company code : 340673661
VAT code: 5562576995
Working time:
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 14:00

Toyota Corolla E120 E130 Engine: more information

In this category you will also find more spare parts such as Toyota Corolla Engine 2ZR. View the description and technical information of the spare part you are interested in. Buy the required spare part online and we will deliver it to Europe and beyond within a few business days. RRR.LT cooperates with reliable auto parts dealers who can guarantee the quality of the offered parts.

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