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Return Policy

If, for any reason, you are unhappy with your purchase:

  • FREE RETURN. Within 14 days from the date you received your product you may return the item for a full refund. To apply for a FREE RETURN, please fill out the form provided below. Our courier will collect the item and return it back to the seller at no charge.
  • After the seller receives the item back, we will issue a full refund for your order, including the delivery cost paid. The refund is usually processed within 1-2 working days. For the credit card payments, It could take up to 5-10 working days.

We reserve the right to refuse a refund, If the returned item state changed due to buyer's activity (eg., item was damaged, dismantled, returned not in full set or a different item returned)

The following conditions must be met when returning spare parts to the seller:

1. Returned spare parts must be in neat packaging to prevent damage during transportation.
2. Spare parts must be in the same condition as received.
3. The 14-day money-back guarantee starts the same day that spare parts were delivered.
4. The returned items must be delivered directly to the sellers warehouse. You can do it by yourself or by courier. If you need help with a courier’s services, RRR.LT will be happy to help you.
5. Returned parts must be handed over to the courier within 5 days of submission of the return form to RRR.LT. Delays in the delivery of goods mean that the warranty will no longer be applicable.
6. The RRR.LT refund guarantee does not cover costs that exceed the total order value (item plus shipping).

Complaints about the goods or services purchased on our e-shop can be filed with State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (Vilniaus str. 25, LT-01402 Vilnius; e-mail: tarnyba@vvtat.lt; tel.: +370 526 26 751; fax tel.: +370 527 91 466 on their web site www.vvtat.lt or in regional divisions of State Consumer Rights Protection Authority. Also, you can fill out an inquiry form on the EGS platform (https://ec.europa.eu/odr/) or on Consumer Rights Information System.

For the FREE RETURN service, please fill the form below: